Jun 10, 2020

Senior Academic Promotions 2020

Research, Education, Alumni, Faculty & Staff, Giving, Partnerships, Inclusion & Diversity, Students
Dean Trevor Young

Dean Trevor YoungGiven the challenges of the past few months, it’s a pleasure to share that 133 of our faculty members will receive senior academic promotions this year, effective July 1. These promotions recognize the many contributions of our faculty across a wide range of academic activities, and they culminate an annual process that began over a year ago and which advanced through the careful consideration of many other faculty, staff and learners. 

We continued to see dossiers of a very high quality this year, reflecting the achievements and impact of our faculty in the areas of research, creative professional activity, teaching and education, and leadership/administration. Thirteen faculty were promoted for sustained excellence in teaching and education only — an increase from last year and further recognition of our ‘master teachers’ who enable valuable learning in busy clinical practices. Sixty-one applications included excellence in creative professional activity, an area where the University of Toronto continues to recognize novel academic endeavours. 

I want to thank everyone who participated in the promotions process, especially our Decanal Promotions Committee chaired by Professor Mary Jane Esplen. Our Academic Human Resources Advisor, Libby Shirriff, and the several Departmental Promotions Committees and staff once again moved the entire process forward with rigour and speed. I also want to thank our Provost Assessors, Professor Edith Hillan in the Faculty of Nursing and Professor Robert Reisz in the Department of Biology at the University of Toronto Mississauga, for their important contributions. 

You can view a list of our newly promoted faculty members online. Please join me in congratulating them and celebrating their achievements, which make us stronger together and enhance our standing as one of the world’s leading faculties of medicine. 

Trevor Young 
Dean, Faculty of Medicine 
Vice Provost, Relations with Health Care Institutions