Promoting your Faculty of Medicine Event

You’re finally done planning your lecture or special event — the venue is reserved, the speaker is booked and all the last minute preparations are complete. It’s going to be great. Now it’s just a matter of getting people to show up.

Before You Do Anything:

As soon as the details of your event are confirmed, write up a blurb. You will use this short description for all your promotional efforts so get it ready first. It must be short and include:

  • WHO — who is talking, who is sponsoring?
  • WHAT— what’s going to happen and why is it interesting?
  • WHEN — the most important part; beware the typo.
  • WHERE — be as specific as possible about the location.
  • HOW TO GET MORE INFO — email, phone number and website address (URL).

Web Tactics:

  • To promote your event through Faculty of Medicine channels, please submit a completed events request form outlining the details of your event.
  • Once the events request form is submitted, we will post it on our events calendar and consider it for inclusion in MedEmail and on social media. It will also appear on the University’s events page.

Email Tactics:

  • Start by emailing your blurb to colleagues who might be interested in your event. Ask them to share it with others.
  • Send the blurb to relevant academic units and divisions (within U of T and other universities near Toronto) and ask them to share it. Departmental administrative assistants are usually the best contact; they can forward your email far and wide.
  • Email student groups and campus organizations.

Paid Advertising 

Generally ads in the major media will be outside the scope of your budget. But consider running paid print ads in the U of T community media and other local publications. For example, consider:


It might take a bit of time, but create an eye-catching flyer. Consider using this event poster template. Post it on approved bulletin boards around campus and include it in your email promotions.