Oct 6, 2020  |  6:30pm - 7:30pm

Ontario Brain Institute Public Talk: Dealing with Depression - What Are Your Options?

Depression is a serious illness that doesn’t discriminate by gender, race or income – nor does it affect everyone the same way. With our knowledge of the brain deepening every day, it is important to realize that depression is treatable, and the first step begins with understanding your options.

Join a panel of experts to discuss medications, psychotherapy, brain stimulation, self-care and other treatment options to help you make informed decisions together with your loved ones and healthcare providers. This is a public talk hosted by the The Ontario Brain Institute (OBI) as part of their 2020/21 series of OBI Public Talks.

About the Speakers:

  • Dr. Sidney Kennedy, the Principal Investigator of CAN-BIND (OBI’s depression research program) and a Scientist at St. Michael’s Hospital. He has published extensively on new drug evaluation, neurostimulation and treatment guidelines for Major Depressive Disorder and Bipolar Disorder.
  • Maryanne Lewis, a Mathematics graduate who was diagnosed with depression at the age of 16. She’s currently a member of CAN-BIND’s Community Advisory Committee and in her spare time she likes to read, draw and cuddle her three rescue dogs.
  • Dr. Lena Quilty, a CAN-BIND investigator and a Senior Scientist at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. Her work focuses on the role of personality and information processing in psychological treatments, with a focus on cognitive behavioural therapy and technology-based treatments for depression and addiction.
  • Dr. Daniel Blumberger, a CAN-BIND investigator and a Clinician Scientist at CAMH. His work focuses on understanding the neurophysiology of treatment-resistant depression across the lifespan
  • Moderator: André Picard