May 2, 2017  |  12:00pm - 1:30pm

Centre Talks: Racialization, Health Care and Health Care Research

Canadian research has often ignored racial and ethnic disparities in health status. In many cases, when it is explored, the default explanation for these disparities is a genetic one. There is little evidence, however, that links differences in health status across groups to genetic factors. As a result, a focus on inherent biological differences obscures two important realities. First – race is a social construct. There is more genetic variation within racial groups than across them. Second – evidence points to structural factors as being key in determining individual, group and population health.

Panelists will explore:
– The relationship between racism and public health
– Current research unpacking assumptions related to race, ethnicity and health
– Methods to explore health disparities that give appropriate weight to structural factors

Please visit the event website for more information.
